Birhanu Kassie Abeje

Full Name Birhanu Kassie Abeje
Academic Rank Lecturer
Education Background
  • BSc  in Nursing  from Debremarkos University ( 2011 to June 2014)
  • MSc  in  Clinical anatomy from Jimma  University (september 2020-January  2022)
Working Experience
  • Head of gyne ward in bonga hospital  (October 2015 to November 2018)
  • Graduate Assistant at mizan aman health science college  ( January 2018 to september 2020 )
  • Lecturer at  Mizan tepi university  (December 2023 to May 2023)
  • Lecturer at Injibara University (June 2023 to present )


Research Interest
  • Experimental research in histology
  • Embryological research
Publications   ———
Address College of Medicine and health sciences , Injibara University

Tel: +251 92 2261308