Belachew Tegegne Shiferaw

Full Name Belachew Tegegne Shiferaw
Academic Rank Lecturer
Education Background
  • MSc in adult health nursing, Jimma University (2018-2019)
  • BSc in Nursing, Wollo University (2009-2013)
  • Higher Diploma Program (HDP), Wollo University and Ethiopian Ministry of Education (September 2016- July 04/2017)
Working Experience
  •  Lecturer at Injibara University (April 9 2023  to Present)
  • Lecturer at Wollo University (July 4 2019 to April 8 2023)
  • Assistant Lecture at Wollo University (January 3/2017  to October 1/2017)
  • Graduate Assistant II at Wollo University (January 4/2016 to January 2/2017)
  • Students’ clinic at Woldia University (December 3/2014 to January 3/2016)
  • Clinical area at Muja health center (November 1/2013 to December 2/2014)
Research Interest
  • Non-communicable disease
  • Emerging disease
  • Health care delivery system
  1.  Knowledge towards Prevention and Early Detection of Chronic Kidney Disease and Associated Factors among Hypertensive Patients at a Chronic Illness Clinic of Jimma Town Public Hospitals (
  2. Predictors of Survival Time Among HIV-Infected Adults After Initiating Anti-Retroviral Therapy in Kombolcha Town: A 5-Year Retrospective Cohort Study(
  3.  Facemask wearing to prevent COVID-19 transmission and associated factors among taxi drivers in Dessie City and Kombolcha Town, Ethiopia(
  4. Determinants of Work-Related Stress Among Nurses Working in Private and Public Hospitals in Dessie City, 2021: Comparative Cross-Sectional Study: (
  5.  Access to and challenges in water, sanitation, and hygiene in healthcare facilities during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ethiopia: A mixed-method (
  6. COVID-19 infection prevention practices among a sample of food handlers of food and drink establishments in Ethiopia: (
  7.  Level of Physical Activity and Its Associated Factors Among Type II Diabetes Patients in Dessie Referral Hospital, Northeast Ethiopia(
  8. Timely Initiation of Complementary Feeding and Associated Factors among Mothers of Children Aged 6–24 Months in Dessie Referral Hospital, Northeast Ethiopia, 2019(
  9.  Prevalence and associated factors of needle stick and sharps injuries among healthcare workers in northwestern Ethiopia:(
  10. Knowledge and Practice of Wound Care and Associated Factors among Nurses Working in South Wollo Zone Government Hospitals, Ethiopia:
  11. The Magnitude of Diabetes Mellitus in Adult Hypertensive Patients in Northeast Ethiopia  (
  12. Blood pressure self-monitoring practice and associated factors among adult hypertensive patients on follow-up at South Wollo Zone Public Hospitals, Northeast Ethiopia(
  13. Correlation of dyslipidemia and athrogenic index of plasma with anthropometric measurements and clinical variables among diabetic patients in Dessie Comprehensive Specialized Hospital, Ethiopia, 2021: (
  14. Determinants of hypertension crisis and stroke among hypertensive patients in South Wollo and Oromia special zones public hospitals
  15. Patients’ Satisfaction and Associated Factors towards Nursing Care in Dessie Referral Hospital, Northeast Ethiopia
Address College of  Medicine and Health Sciences, Injibara University
Tel: +251 918315479